Segala puji bagi Tuhan Yang Menguasai Langit dan Bumi. Yang mengatur urusan makhluk. Selawat dan Salam kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Nabi dan Rasul Akhir Zaman dan juga kepada keluarga dan para sahabatnya dan pengikut-pengikutnya.

Selamat datang. Selamat membaca. Semoga terhibur.

Jazakallah Khairan Kathira.Assalamualaikum Wrt. Wbt

Selasa, Februari 22, 2011

BSK 185. Ops Lalang Membakar Minda



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Siapakah yang mengarahkan penangkapan beramai-ramai, yang menyaksikan 106 orang, termasuk seteru politik Dr Mahathir Mohamad (PM ketika itu) ditangkap mengikut Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) pada tahun 1987?

Polis atau Menteri Dalam Negeri?

Dibawah ini kami ingin berkongsi pendapat yang dikirim kepada ruangan Opinion, The Star oleh seorang warga Seremban berkenaan dengan Ops Lalang. Mari baca…..

Tuesday February 22, 2011
Police cannot usurp the home minister’s power

I WAS a surprised to read the ex-IGP’s statement “It is not the role of the prime minister to agree or disagree to the use of the ISA, ... that is the police’s call” (“Ex-IGP defends Ops Lalang” – Sunday Star, Feb 20)

I submit that he is only partially right there. Fortunately the matter does not quite end there.

Tun Hanif Omar, who was the IGP under the tenure of three prime ministers said that it was the police that initiated Ops Lalang in October1987 after a detailed study of the intelligence reports and consideration of the then prevailing circumstances.

While I agree that the police can, under the law, arrest anyone whom they suspect to have breached the law, the issue of the use of the ISA is not that simplistic. It goes deeper than that.

If the police have the final say in its execution, can the learned Tun explain why must such arrests under the ISA be endorsed by the Home Minister for validity?

What if the Home Minister disagrees to such endorsement? Can the detention under the ISA still stand under such a situation?

I submit that in a Parliamentary democracy such as ours, the police can only make recommendations for detention of the suspects to the Home Minister but cannot usurp his functions and detain them at their own whims and fancies.

In a democracy, the power lies with the people. The police are not elected by the people, whereas the Home Minister or the Prime Minister is.

It is they as elected representatives of the people who ultimately decide on ISA detention.

If it is a truism that the police can use the ISA at their sole beck and call, then even MPs (including the Home Minister and the Prime Minister) and state assemblymen (including chief ministers and mentris besar) would be at their mercy. A coup can take place lawfully which can hardly be disputed in any court of law.

I don’t think Parliament had this in mind when this ISA law was drafted. The police can only make recommendations for detention but the final say lies with the Home Minister.

In October 1987, the Home Minister was also the Prime Minister and he signed the detention order – whether hesitantly or otherwise is immaterial – to give legality to the detention without trial.


Betul atau tidak kenyataan warga Seremban diatas?

Jika benar seperti yang dinyatakan, menteri dalam negeri ketika itulah yang mengesahkan penangkapan tahun 1987 itu.

Kenapa sekarang beliau memusing-musing kata-kata? Kenapa IGP ketika itu juga bersetuju?

Ops Lalang: Mahathir persalahkan polis
Bekas IGP: Dr M juga bantah Ops Lalang

Adakah itu sindrom dilema Melayu mudah lupa!


So….. Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami, curahkanlah hidayah-Mu kepada kami untuik melaksanakan amal perbuatan serta perilaku yang baik. Tidak ada yang memberi petunjuk untuk melaksanakan perbuatan serta perilaku yang baik kecuali Engkau. Dan jauhkanlah buruknya perilaku dan perbuatan dari kami, dan tidak ada yang dapat menjauhkan kami darinya, kecuali Engkau. Amin.



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